Construction isn’t Over

Till the Finish is Applied

Now for a Strong Finish

Since bee supply outlets sell unfinished pieces of production wooden ware, the beekeeper becomes responsible for one of the most important construction components. The finish is not just about asthetics, but about preserving your investment for many years of use. Paint is paint, right? Ignore the marketing hype of one coat finishes, or primer and paint combined. When it comes to creating a lasting paint finish which will protect the wood under outdoor conditions, you have to first prepare the surface for accepting finish, apply a good primer, and then several coats of an exterior paint. Can I use a natural finish? Yes you can, but that adds additional requirements to the list of steps necessary to reach the desired look and finish. If you want a natural or stained finish to your hive equipment, the construction itself needs to be done with that in mind. Where paint and putty can cover imperfections, it is more difficult to do so with a natural finish. Few exterior varnishes are durable enough for the drenching rain and sun exposure a hive gets in normal use. We will only use a marine finish system on natural hives. It was designed to protect the natural wood finishes on boats from the elements of the sun and sea. It isn’t cheap, but it is well worth it. Hive finish maintenance. Once bees are inhabiting your hive equipment, it is hard to do any type of maintenance in place. They beard up the outside, making paint or finish touchups difficult. The only practical way to work on a piece is to temporarily swap out the components you need to repair or refinish. Therefore, the better the initial finish, the longer you will be able to use your hive equipment before any maintenance is necessary.
What do you want in your back yard?